The times of queues in municipal offices are long gone; at least, all opportunities have been created for this. Millions of Russian citizens successfully use government services via the Internet, visiting passport offices and MREOs only to receive ready-made documents. Paying court debt, submitting an application to change a passport or obtaining a foreign passport online is already an everyday reality today, and not a fantastic future.
Registration on the State Services website
The procedure itself is short and uncomplicated. To register on the State Services portal you need:
- Russian passport;
- mobile phone or email.
Create a simplified account
Go to the main page using the link - and click on the “Register” button.
We indicate contact information: last name, first name, mobile phone and email. Click on the “Register” button.
After this, an SMS message with a confirmation code will be sent to the entered phone number. It should be entered in the “Code” and click on the “Continue” button.
At the next stage, you need to come up with a password to log into your personal account.
Ready! Simplified account registration is completed. But to obtain a foreign passport through State Services, you need a “Confirmed Account” . How to get it is described below.
Upgrade to Standard Account
After creating an account on the website, you must enter personal data: passport data and SNILS number.
This can be done on the page - After entering, do not forget to click on the “Save”
After filling out, personal data is sent for automatic verification to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Federal Migration Service. The results of the test will be known in a few minutes.
Based on the results of this review, your account should be upgraded to Standard .
Account Verification
In order to obtain a foreign passport through State Services, you need to have a verified account.
There are three confirmation methods available:
- contact the Service Center;
- receive an identity verification code by mail;
- use an enhanced qualified electronic signature or a Universal Electronic Card (UEC).
Personal appeal
To get started, check out the list of approved Service Centers on the page
Choose a center that is convenient for you and simply visit it. You will need to have a Russian passport and SNILS with you.
By mail
Having chosen this method, you will need to indicate your postal address and click on the “Order letter” . A letter with an identity verification code will be sent to it.
You will be able to receive the letter at your Russian Post office upon presentation of the notice that will arrive in your mailbox. The average delivery time for a letter is about 2 weeks.
The code from the letter should be entered into a special field on the page -
Electronic signature
You can confirm your identity with an Enhanced Qualified Electronic Signature or UEC. To do this you need to prepare:
- physical media (token or smart card) with the user’s electronic signature issued by an accredited certification authority.
- For some electronic signature media, you need to install a special program - a crypto provider (for example, CryptoPro CSP). To use UEC, you must install the cryptoprovider CryptoPro UEC CSP.
- install a browser plugin.
Select the digital signature verification key certificate if you have multiple certificates. Enter the PIN code to read the electronic signature, and also sign the application for account confirmation. The electronic signature will be verified. If the verification is successful, the account will become “Verified”.
As a result, after confirming your identity using any of the three methods, your account will become “Verified” , and you will be able to obtain a foreign passport through State Services.
Get a coupon from FMS
The editor has received several calls from residents of Feodosia who are shocked by the situation in our migration service. According to them, “unrest continues there.” As those standing in line themselves say, the situation is this: People sign up on a list to go to the terminal and receive the coveted coupon for an appointment with a specialist.
You can plan your visit to the multifunctional centers of the region in advance by choosing a date and time convenient for you, using a pre-registration: Make an appointment If you do not have an account, you can register for the EPGU using the following instructions. Confirmation of the pre-registration is the Pin code indicated on the coupon, which must be activated in minutes. To activate the Pin code, you need to contact an MFC specialist or enter it yourself into the electronic queue terminal, after which you will receive a ticket for an appointment with a universal MFC specialist. Please note that if you want to submit documents for several different services or different real estate objects, or you want to receive a service together with someone, or you need to receive several ready-made documents, you must first register for each service separately. Dear applicants, be attentive to other applicants wishing to receive services at the MFC. If you no longer need to visit the MFC on the date and time you booked, we kindly ask you to cancel your pre-registration. This can be done in the following ways: Your attentiveness will allow other applicants to receive services at the MFC. If you find problems in the operation of the pre-registration service through the MFC network portal, you can report them to the e-mail address of the site's technical support - mfc mfc.
We recommend reading: What documents for a newborn can be obtained from the MFC
Requirements for a photo for a foreign passport through State Services.
After registering on the portal, you should take photographs measuring 35 by 45 mm in digital and paper form. The first format will be needed for downloading along with the application form. The second is when submitting documents to the passport office.
Various online services allow you to take high-quality digital photographs for documents without leaving your home. There is a risk that they will not fit, but this can be reduced if, in addition to the sizes, the following requirements are met:
- Resolution – at least 300 pixels;
- Format – jpeg, png, jpg or bmp;
- Image size – no more than 5 MB;
- Monochrome for a black and white image (8 bits), for a color image – 24 bits.
- Photo for an international passport: requirements 2021, how to take and how to upload?
State services of the Federal Migration Service of Russia via the Internet
When a citizen applies to units of the Federal Migration Service of Russia through the portal
on the issuance of an old-style foreign passport, on the issuance (replacement) of an internal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, on registration at the place of residence (stay) and deregistration at the place of residence, on issuing an invitation to enter the Russian Federation for foreign citizens and stateless persons to him A one-time appearance is provided only to receive the document. When appearing, the citizen is required to provide the documents required by law to receive government services, a receipt for payment of the state fee and photographs. An application in the prescribed form on paper is not provided.
1. List of public services of the Federal Migration Service of Russia, applications for which are possible via the Internet.
- Providing address and reference information.
- Issuance (replacement) of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, identifying the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation.
- Issuance (replacement) of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, identifying the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the Russian Federation.
- Registration at the place of residence (stay) and deregistration at the place of residence (stay) of citizens of the Russian Federation.
- Issuing an invitation to enter the Russian Federation for foreign citizens and stateless persons.
2. The procedure for applying through the “Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services” (registration on the portal).
What documents are needed?
To apply for a foreign passport through State Services in 2021, you will need the following documents:
- photo. We described in the previous paragraph how to take a correct photograph in digital format for subsequent uploading to the portal;
- documents related to the applicant’s activities over the past 10 years. This could be a work record book, an agreement with an employer, a diploma of education, a certificate from the Employment Center stating that the applicant was officially unemployed and registered, a military ID, a certificate from the social security authorities stating that the applicant was caring for an incapacitated person , and others;
- for those who previously received a foreign passport, provided that its validity has not expired at the time of application, the details of this identity card;
- for those who changed their first and last names - a document reflecting this fact.
How to order an old and new international passport through State Services
Having studied the information about what documents are needed for a foreign passport through State Services, it’s time to begin the procedure itself.
To begin, select the option “Services” , and in it – “Passports, registrations and visas” . In the list of options under this item, we find and activate the option “International passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation” .
At the next stage, we are taken to a page where you need to select the type of passport.
You can order it in the old format or with the content of an electronic medium - a biometric document. The first is issued for a period of 5 years, the second – for 10 years. When applying for an old-style document, you will have to visit the passport office once. You will have to go twice to get a biometric passport.
If you need a biometric international passport, then you should click on the button “Select a new sample” , if the passport is of an old type - accordingly, “Select an old sample” .
Next, we select the required age category of the applicant; three options are available for Russian citizens aged:
- up to 14 years old;
- from 14 to 18 years old;
- from 18 years and older.
Once the preparatory steps have been completed, a choice has been made in favor of one of two types of documents, you can begin to draw up an application. To do this, on the next page you need to click the “Get service” .
The entire procedure is performed in the following few steps:
- Submitting an application through the public service portal.
- Receive a message about the date and time of your visit to the FMS office.
- Submitting documents to the passport office.
- Obtaining a passport.
The public service portal allows you to avoid one or more visits to the FMS office, when you will have to stand in a long line. But the portal does not save you from directly filling out and submitting documents to the passport office employee.
Advantages of using the State Services portal
The advantages of the service are:
- Algorithm for obtaining a foreign passport through “State Services”
- significant time savings ;
- availability of reference information for each service;
- elimination of a number of bureaucratic difficulties due to the fact that electronic entry into the passport office is being implemented through State Services;
- reducing corruption risks that often arise when contacting government officials in person;
- simplification of the procedure for obtaining government services;
- notifying the user about the results for each stage of request processing;
- the ability to submit an application or register without having to personally contact a government agency;
- Availability of a 30% on payment of state duty.
The Public Services portal is actively developing, according to government promises, in the future, most of the requests will be transferred to this service.
For many citizens, going to the passport office is associated with a great loss of time. Indeed, often when visiting the FMS you can encounter a huge queue. Pre-registration at the passport office allows you to avoid queues and bureaucratic red tape. This opportunity is available to all users of the State Services portal. Of course, there are other ways to register with the FMS, but at the moment this is the most convenient. If you have no idea how to sign up for a passport office through government services, then this review will be very useful for you.
The unified portal of public services provides the opportunity not only to make an appointment with the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (FMS), but also to immediately submit an electronic application for receiving a particular service. Thus, you significantly open up the time for receiving the service. After reviewing your application, it will be enough to come to the unit of your choice at the Main Migration Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the appointed time to provide the documents specified in the application for verification. Of course, this is only relevant if the government services portal provides a service for which you plan to contact the FMS. In any case, within the framework of this article we will explain in detail how to sign up at the passport office through government services and what services are covered by the opportunity to leave an electronic application.
- Important
In connection with the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation, the FMS service transfers powers to the Main Directorate for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (GUVM MVD).
Compiling and sending an application
To begin drawing up your application, click the “Start” .
At this stage, you will have to take a short survey: you will need to answer whether you need an old or new document.
For reference: foreign passports of the new and old sample have a number of differences. The old one is valid for 5 years; adults will have to pay 1,400 rubles for it to the state treasury and 700 rubles for children under 14 years of age. The duration of the document of the new format is 10 years, and the state duty when registering it on the Internet portal is 3,500 rubles and 1,750 rubles, respectively.
You will also be asked a question about who the document is being drawn up for - you, your children, or a non-incapacitated person for whom you are acting as a guardian.
Next, you need to decide whether you want to apply for a foreign passport through State Services and receive permanent residence, temporary residence or actual residence at your place of residence.
The system will offer information on documents, deadlines and cost of obtaining a foreign passport, taking into account the answers to previous questions. Click the “Proceed to Filling” .
The first step at this stage of filling will be to confirm your personal information. After registering on the site, the system automatically fills in the required form with your full name, date and place of birth, residential address, internal passport details, telephone number, and email address. All you have to do is check them and, if necessary, edit them - this option is provided. If for some reason some of the data was not transferred automatically, you must enter it manually.
We confirm the phone number.
Confirm your email address.
We confirm the address of permanent registration if receiving a foreign passport is chosen at the place of registration. In other cases, it will be necessary to confirm the addresses of temporary registration and actual residence.
After you confirm the relevance of your personal information, a page with a form under the photo will appear. It can be dragged from the adjacent window or loaded in the standard way from the folder with saved files.
What will take the most time is filling out the form showing your activities over the past 10 years. You can fill it out in any order
For example, by selecting the “I studied” item, you should enter information about all places of study, indicating its start and end dates, even if there was a period of other activity between being in different educational institutions.
The next item, “I worked,” is filled out in a similar way. It is convenient to do this if you have your work book in front of you.
For those who served in the Russian armed forces within 10 years before issuing a foreign passport, you must also fill out the information under the “I served” item.
And for those who during one period or another did not work or study, the fourth point is intended, which is called that way.
Important: data from documents confirming your activity must be entered in full, without abbreviations or abbreviations.
Next, you need to answer the question whether you have changed your last name or first name in the past.
If there have been changes in personal data, you must indicate the old ones.
Then – do you have a valid passport?
Please note that if the document has not expired, it is considered current - even if it was lost, stolen, or damaged. If you do not indicate the fact of its presence in the application, the fraud will be revealed when your question is considered and the issuance of a new document for trips abroad will be denied to you.
Adding relevant information.
In a new format, for the convenience of users, it is collected on one page. You will need to notify the competent authorities of:
- country of birth of the applicant;
- work with important and secret documents, technologies, other information, as well as access to state secrets - if such work took place in the past or is currently available;
- the presence of obligations that are incompatible with trips abroad (agreements, contracts that stipulate such a condition);
- whether the applicant is accused or suspected of committing a crime, convicted with an outstanding criminal record, recognized as a financially insolvent person or bankrupt;
- whether there is any evasion of court decisions. In this case, we mean, among other things, administrative obligations - fines, penalties, alimony and the like.
The next page asks you about the reason for issuing a passport. If you are receiving a document for the first time, select the first option. If your case is to replace a foreign passport after expiration through State Services or to receive a document to replace a damaged one, you should select the second option. It implies that when you receive a new passport, you will be able to return the old, unusable one. For those who have lost the document, the third point is suitable.
At the finish line, all you have to do is select the migration department where you want to receive a ready-made passport and submit your application.
Online registration for an appointment at the Federal Migration Service (GUVM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia)
Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to find out how to solve your particular problem , contact a consultant:
It must be remembered that the innovation has just been launched, and possible hiccups in the online recording program are quite normal. Over time, the service will resolve all problems with program failure.
- Go to the government services website and log in.
- Go to the “Service Catalog” section.
- Go to the “Passports, registrations, visas” section.
- Click on the item “New sample foreign passport”.
- Select the type of foreign passport (old sample or new).
- Indicate the age of the person planning to receive a foreign passport, for example, “Receipt of a passport by a citizen who has reached the age of 18.”
- Indicate how you want to receive), click on the “Make an appointment” button.
- Indicate the department where you want to submit documents, click on “Select time to make an appointment.”
- Enter the date and time of your appointment and confirm your appointment.
Thanks to the development of modern technologies, today everyone can make an appointment with the Federal Migration Service through the public services portal. It is worth noting that not long ago the Office of the Federal Migration Service was disbanded. The functions of this structure were transferred to the Main Directorate for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
To your appointment with a migration service specialist, you must bring all the necessary documents and, first of all, the identity document that was indicated when making the appointment, or you will lose priority. The complete list of required papers may vary depending on the circumstances.
Obtaining any services from government agencies has always previously been associated with a huge expenditure of time and nerves. Those who have encountered queues at the migration service can tell you about making an appointment and daily roll calls at six o’clock in the morning. People not included in these lists later tried to organize a live queue. All this caused a huge number of scandals and quarrels. In addition, the line was moving slowly, and it was dangerous to move away - you could lose it. Only people with a very strong psyche could withstand all this.
How to obtain a foreign passport through State Services?
In 2-3 days you will receive a message indicating the date and time for your visit to the passport office, and the number of the office you need to contact.
By this time, you need to put together all the documents that were used to compile the electronic application, printed photographs. Additionally, you need to pay a state fee; the receipt is attached to the general package.
At the appointed time, all this is submitted to the FMS employee. He will check the information contained in the application with the data in official documents, and a copy will be made from the passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation. If no errors are found, in this case one of two actions is performed:
- An old-style international passport is issued.
- A photograph is taken on a biometric passport, for which you will have to come again.
Pros and cons of registering at the passport office through the portal
The main advantage of the portal is that it provides government services around the clock, so you can fill out an application at any time. Registration at any government agency does not require filling out documentation; you just need to provide your personal data and choose the most convenient time. Submitting an electronic application significantly saves time, since there is no need to stand in queues.
Unfortunately, the portal also has negative sides. The site almost always functions properly, but there are situations when the site is undergoing technical work, during which time many services become unavailable.
How long does it take to obtain a foreign passport through State Services?
You can receive a document at your place of permanent residence in a month or even earlier. The timing of receiving the document depends on the place of application. Those who indicated the address of temporary registration or actual residence as the place of receipt will have to wait up to 90 days. The same period is established for applicants whose work is or was previously connected with secrecy and state secrets.
In some cases, obtaining a passport may be denied. The applicant is given the reasons why he cannot be issued a document. This means that travel abroad is temporarily unavailable for him.
Call the Federal Migration Service hotline
- Federal Migration Service hotline telephone number:
8 (800) 350-20-42 - FMS hotline telephone number for Moscow and the Moscow region
+7 - The telephone number of the Federal Migration Service hotline for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region:
Every day more and more citizens use the Federal Migration Service of Russia to make an appointment online. In addition, in order to get advice on questions that arise for citizens of the Russian Federation and guests of our country, it is not at all necessary to visit the department; you can get complete information on the official website by filling out a simple application form, or by calling the single 24-hour hotline of the Federal Migration Service of Russia. Our specialists will provide professional advice on migration issues, help prepare the necessary documents for obtaining certain services, solve remotely many problems related to obtaining citizenship, obtaining a residence permit, and much more.
Registration at the passport office through “State Services” simplifies the procedure for contacting the territorial Directorate for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and reduces service time. The service is available only to registered users who have confirmed their identity on the e-government website.
The list of government services provided by passport offices is quite diverse and differs for Russian citizens and foreigners. Russians can:
- get a new passport;
- replace the identification document;
- obtain a foreign passport;
- register at your place of residence or stay;
- de-register;
- request address and reference information.
Services for foreign citizens and stateless persons are related to migration registration, registration of labor activity, obtaining permits for temporary and permanent residence in Russia.
It is better to visit the Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the place of registration. Territorial departments maintain a database of local residents, verification is carried out quickly. If a citizen applies to another department, information will be requested from the Department of Internal Affairs at the place of permanent residence, which will delay the procedure. A registration stamp can be placed only in the department to which the registration address belongs.
Various specialists are engaged in servicing the population at passport offices, so a general appointment on the State Office website is possible as part of the registration of a specific service. The process consists of the following steps:
- Authorizations on the site
- Search for the required service
- Appointments
- Visit to the passport office at the specified time
Let’s look at how to register with the Ministry of Internal Affairs through “State Services” using the example of a specific service. As an example, we use the replacement of a passport upon reaching 20 years of age.