Russian migration card for foreign citizens in 2021

What is a Russian migration card

A migration card is a state-issued document provided to citizens of foreign countries and stateless persons. Issued when crossing the border (entry) of the Russian Federation.

Obtaining a migration card for a foreigner is mandatory except in cases provided for by law (not necessary for sailors, aircraft crew members and train crews for up to 24 hours or according to transport schedules). It serves as confirmation of legal border crossing.

The migration card is the main document when processing:

  • Registration;
  • Obtaining a residence permit
  • Legal employment.

The lack of a migration card for a foreigner is a violation of existing legislation, namely paragraph 1 of Article 18.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses , which entails various penalties.

A foreigner without a migration card or with a migration card filled out with errors becomes a “lawbreaker.” Many migrants encounter police immediately upon arrival in the capital on the streets and in public places.

Train stations and airports are a favorite place for police officers, where such checks usually take place. A foreigner with a “problematic” migration card can become “easy prey” for dishonest police officers.

Carefully read the rules for obtaining and issuing a migration card and DO NOT BREAK THE LAW!

Need for extension

The existing temporary restriction on the possibility of using paper obliges the foreigner to renew the document in a timely manner.

To achieve this goal, you can use different options:

  1. Crossing the border and returning.
  2. Conclusion of an employment contract.
  3. Registration of RVP.

Temporary residence permits deserve special attention. The following categories of citizens can receive it:

  • spouses of Russian citizens;
  • born during the existence of the RSFSR;
  • children of disabled persons;
  • parents of Russian citizens;
  • contract servicemen in the Russian army;
  • participation in the state program, which is designed for immigrants.

At the same time, citizens of Ukraine who live in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions have the right to extension on the spot.

The main condition is the inability to return home in due time. To obtain a preemptive right, a person must contact the Main Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. You should have your passport and previously issued migration card with you.

It is worth noting that citizens of the DPR need to always be aware of events regarding obtaining such a right. The privilege is purely temporary.

Where to get a Russian migration card

You must inquire in advance about how to obtain a migration card, before going through passport and visa control. Filling out the document requires concentration and there should be no mistakes.

The form is presented by an official representative of the transport service when crossing the border of the Russian Federation.

A migration card is usually issued:

  • Bus driver,
  • aircraft crew member (stewardess),
  • train conductor or
  • customs control officer (for those who cross the border on their own).

The requirement to transfer funds for a migration card form is illegal! This document is provided to every foreign citizen free of charge.

Filling out the migration card should begin immediately (before arriving at your destination). The law does not specify where exactly you will fill out the migration card. The main thing is that by the time you clear customs, all the necessary data has already been entered into the document.

The law requires that a foreign citizen:

  • promptly informed about the need to fill out a migration card;
  • allocated the necessary time to study the form in detail and enter information;
  • We provided a place equipped with all necessary supplies.

Please read the contents of the migration card form carefully before filling it out.

The migration card form must be filled out without errors. Even a minor mistake can be considered fraud. To avoid unintentional errors, all points on the map are duplicated in English.

What is a migration card?

When crossing the border of the Russian Federation, foreign guests are required to enter information into a form called a migration card. It is a document certifying the legal stay of a citizen of another country on the territory of Russia. It takes the form of a form in the form established by law; it reflects information about the foreign guest, the purpose of arrival and the expected duration of stay.

The presence of this document, among others, will be required when applying for employment or when registering residence. Each card is assigned an individual number that allows it to be identified. Authenticity is confirmed by a stamp affixed by checkpoint employees.

Sample migration card for foreigners entering Russia

The presence of a fake card, or its absence, will make the stay of a foreign guest in Russia illegal. He will be considered a violator of the law. A check of documents by law enforcement agencies will be able to identify the absence.

Registration of a migration card is mandatory even for those foreigners who have the right not to apply for a visa. The purpose of registration is to collect statistical information, as well as keep records of migrants. Each card is assigned an individual identification number. They are contained in a single automated database. Law enforcement officials have access to information. If there is any doubt whether the card is real or fake, information using the individual number index is easy to check.

Important! The absence of an MK will entail recognition of the migrant’s stay on Russian territory as unlawful. As a result, he will be fined up to five thousand rubles.

Who is issuing it?

The document is issued to visitors and migrants from other countries when they cross the Russian border. Typically, forms are distributed by transport company employees: conductors, flight attendants, drivers. They give them to passengers free of charge. MKs are not bought or sold.

Where can I get MK?

There is no strict connection to a specific body authorized to issue cards before arriving in Russia. The personnel of the transport organization responsible for the transportation of passengers have the right to do this. The card is issued on board various types of transport. It does not matter the method of arrival, sea or air. If you cross the border on your own, checkpoint employees will issue you the MK. You need to inform them that the card was not issued and get a new form from them.

Where do they fill it out?

You can also fill out the form at the airport, station building, or on the bus. Where the data is entered is not so important. The main thing is to have time to complete the filling before passing the checkpoint.

Important! The migration card form must be filled out before passing control.

How to fill out a Russian migration card

When starting to enter information, you need to familiarize yourself with paragraphs 5 and 6 of the rules for using the Russian migration card , namely:

  • the card must be filled out in printed capital letters in Russian (Cyrillic), or using the Latin alphabet;
  • The card is filled out directly by the person crossing the border of the Russian Federation or his authorized representative.

The migration card for a child is filled out according to the general rules, with the exception of some nuances:

  • a legal entity cannot be entered in the column indicating information about the receiving party,
  • The birth certificate will serve as a document confirming the identity of a child under 14 years of age.

Well, then the migration card, a sample of which is presented on our website, is filled step by step with the relevant information.

Information that must be contained in the migration card form:

The following information must be indicated on the migration card form:

Identification data:

  • first name, last name and patronymic;
  • floor;
  • Date of Birth;
  • number and series of identity document;
  • citizenship;
  • visa number, if available.

Data on time of stay in the Russian Federation:

Current legislation limits the period of stay of citizens of other states on Russian territory to three months (90 days). However, if necessary, foreign citizens have the opportunity to apply for an extension of stay after this period. Otherwise, you should leave the country. Further stay in Russia will be considered illegal and will serve as a basis for punishment.

Purpose of coming to Russia:

The Russian migration card provides several possible arrival options:

  • official;
  • tourism (eng. Tourism);
  • commercial (eng. Business);
  • study (eng. Education);
  • work (eng. Employment);
  • private (eng. Private);
  • transit (eng. Transit).

You need to highlight the desired option.

It is important to think about this point in advance. You can change the purpose of the visit only when leaving Russia and receiving a new form when entering back into Russia.

The discrepancy between the data specified in the migration card and the real state of affairs may be considered an attempt at fraud.

If it later turns out that the real goal did not correspond to the previously stated one, then in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 18.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, a foreign citizen may be fined in the amount of 2 to 5 thousand rubles. or expelled from Russia. If a foreigner indicated the purpose of the visit as “private”, “tourism” or “transit” on the migration card, then he will not be able to obtain a work permit or study in Russia.

Indication of the individual or legal entity inviting you to visit the Russian Federation.

The migration card must indicate the inviting party and the locality of the inviting party. For a legal entity this is the name, for an individual - full name.

The completion of the form registration procedure is affixing a signature. The form should be signed after careful verification.

Otherwise, it may be rejected at the checkpoint.

Or, in the future, migration registration will occur in violation of the rules established by law.

To prevent this from happening, before parting with the form, it is advisable to take another look at the sample migration card.

Next, you need to hand over the entry part (“A”) to the customs officer, and keep the exit part (“B”) for yourself.

After this, you can safely proceed to Russian territory.

A sample of a completed migration card can be seen below:

Sample of a completed migration card

Map appearance

The official document is a form divided into two parts (A and B). The first part contains information:

  • Full name of the foreign guest;
  • personal data;
  • for what purposes and for what period of time the arrival is carried out.

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The second part duplicates the information contained in the first.

Migration card form

After filling out and passing the checkpoint, one part is retained by the officials monitoring arriving citizens. The checkpoint staff stamps the other part and gives it to the foreigner. He must keep it for the entire duration of the action. When the migrant leaves, he will need to give the form to the checkpoint employee.

The migration card form is issued for filling out completely free of charge. Any demand for money for issuing a form is illegal.

Features of registering a foreigner

Once in the Russian Federation, you should not think that the documentation procedure is over.

Paragraph 3 of Article 20 of the Federal Law “On migration registration of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Russian Federation” states that you need to register for migration no later than 7 calendar days.

The same federal law establishes that either the foreign citizen himself or the receiving party is obliged to notify the migration registration authority of his arrival at the place of stay.

The host party can be any individual or legal entity that provides a place for permanent residence or employment opportunity under an officially formalized agreement.

Documents that will be needed for migration registration:

  • migration card;
  • identity document: passport of the state of which he is a citizen, or any other valid on the territory of the Russian Federation and containing identification data.

If a foreign citizen owns a home designated as a place of stay, then he must register for migration on his own.

It is also possible to register for migration by mail through a postal notification .

If a foreigner checks into a hotel, sanatorium, holiday home, etc., then migration registration must be carried out by this organization. The following are not subject to migration registration:

  • seafarers for 24 hours in the port territory,
  • crew members of civil aviation aircraft according to the vehicle movement schedule,
  • teams of trains and crews or teams of other vehicles participating in international traffic, according to the vehicle’s schedule.

on the territory of the Russian Federation at airports or at stations provided for by schedules (schedules) for the movement of these vehicles.

How to fill out an MK in Russia: rules for filling it out

Let's take a closer look.

Identification data

  • Full name of the foreign citizen;
  • floor;
  • Date of Birth;
  • passport identification data;
  • Which state is he a citizen of?
  • visa identification details;

Time period of stay on the territory of the state

For foreign citizens, the period of stay does not exceed three months. For a longer stay, it is possible to extend the migration card. The maximum period is one year. An extension is made if there is an employment relationship under a contract, as well as a patent.

Sample application for renewal of a migration card from an employer

You should fill out the form:

  • in block letters, legible handwriting;
  • preference should be given to a ballpoint pen with blue or black ink;
  • Russian or Latin letters.

The form is filled out for the child by his parents or guardians.

Important! The card begins its validity from the moment of registration.

Specific purpose of visiting the state

All possible purposes of arrival in the country are listed on the form. A foreign citizen may arrive in Russia for the purpose of:

  • training;
  • employment;
  • tourism.

There are options for arrival on official or commercial business, as well as transit. The person filling out the card will only need to highlight the selected option. In this case, the purpose of the visit must coincide with the type of activity on the territory of Russia.

You must accurately indicate the purpose of arrival, since it will no longer be possible to correct the information on the form. It will be possible to obtain a new document only upon subsequent re-entry into Russia.

What to write in the “Purpose of visit” column in MK?

Indicating the correct purpose of the visit is extremely important, since subsequent permitting documents will be issued based on the MK data.
In particular, if a foreign citizen mistakenly indicates the purpose of “study” or “tourism”, he will not be able to officially find a job. If his type of activity contradicts the data on the migration card, this will be considered an administrative violation. Article 18.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for a fine of 2000-5000 rubles, or worse, deportation. As a rule, government delegations choose the official purpose of the visit. The tourist purpose is indicated by those arriving with cultural and educational intentions, for sightseeing and recreation. Commercial purpose is provided for businessmen arriving for business events. Transit means passing through the territory of a country with the purpose of entering other border countries. A private purpose may be due to the need to receive treatment or visit friends or relatives.

Article 18.8 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses “Violation by a foreign citizen or stateless person of the rules of entry into the Russian Federation or the regime of stay (residence) in the Russian Federation”

How to change the purpose of a visit to MK?

It will not be possible to make changes to an already completed MK. Therefore, it is so important to provide reliable information that corresponds to reality. To get a new form, you will need to leave Russia and then return back.

Important! All information must be written down in neat handwriting; you must not make mistakes and correct them yourself. If a migrant does not speak Russian, you can use Latin letters.

Indication of the inviting individual or legal entity

In the column “Information about the inviting party,” the legal form of the person, if it is a company, and the name (for example, Romashka OJSC) are indicated. The inviting locality is indicated (for example, Novosibirsk).

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Migration card of the Russian Federation: sample filling in 2021

In the official form approved by Resolution No. 413 of the Government of the Russian Federation of 2014, the following columns are presented for filling out:

  2. Day, month and year of birth.
  3. Floor.
  4. Citizenship.
  5. Identity document details.
  6. Visa number.
  7. Purpose of arrival.
  8. Information about the receiving party.
  9. Duration of stay.
  10. Personal signature.

    Sample of filling out a migration card

The columns concerning personal data are filled in on the basis of an identity document. In the “purpose of visit” section, several options are given to choose from. The purpose of the visit should be stated honestly. When issuing the accompanying permits, the MK information will be taken into account. There shouldn't be a contradiction. The column “information about the receiving party” indicates the individual or legal entity, as well as its location. There is no need to write anything in the space for service marks. There will be a seal there.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 16, 2004 N 413 “On the migration card”

Validity of the migration card over time and conditions for its extension

As usual, a migration card is valid for 90 days. The validity period of the migration card cannot be less than the period of the visa.

You can extend the validity of your migration card in several ways:

Border crossing.

Having left the Russian Federation for a short time, any foreign citizen has the right to return to the country. Upon re-entry, he will have to fill out a new migration card.

This method is very common among foreigners. To do this, you need to travel to any country and then immediately return back, naturally, filling out a new document. Crossing the border to get a migration card can be done on your own or with the help of third parties. A significant advantage that a trip for a migration card provides is the ability to change the purpose of entry.

Traveling outside Russia to obtain a migration card may result in administrative prosecution. FMS employees may perceive criminal intent if you crossed the border many times in a short time.

Extension of a migration card without leaving your location

It is possible to extend a migration card without leaving Russia if:

  • obtaining a permit or patent to fulfill labor obligations (a petition from the employer is required);
  • obtaining citizenship or temporary residence permit;
  • successful admission to a Russian educational institution;
  • a disease requiring immediate treatment in Russia;
  • late pregnancy.

Such grounds must be documented.

When a trip to the border to get a migration card from Moscow or any other city is not possible, then this option will be the only way out of the current situation.

It is important to monitor the validity period of your migration card. A small delay will result in a fine of 2 to 5 thousand rubles. A significant stay, exceeding 120 days, threatens deportation from the country and a ban on entry in the future.

MK extension

A new MK is issued to a migrant when he crosses the border of the Russian Federation. To get a clean new form, foreigners leave the country and then return. They can provide new, up-to-date information on the new form. For example, change the purpose of arrival.

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There are exceptional cases in which the card is extended:

  1. When granting a patent for a work.
  2. Upon presentation of documents confirming admission to the university.
  3. When applying for citizenship or obtaining a temporary residence permit.
  4. When providing medical certificates confirming the need for emergency treatment due to the disease.
  5. Pregnancy.

Circumstances allowing the extension of a migration card are taken into account after the presentation of supporting documents. Each permissive circumstance must be documented.

Difficulties and consequences of the procedure for obtaining a TRP (temporary residence permit)

You should contact the FMS to obtain a temporary residence permit immediately after registering for migration. It should be taken into account that the validity period of the migration card is limited, and obtaining permission takes a lot of time. The desire to obtain a temporary residence permit should be notified when passing through customs. This will significantly increase the likelihood of approval of the temporary residence permit.

A temporary residence permit is issued on the basis of a valid migration card.

If a foreigner has received a temporary residence permit, then there is no need to extend the validity of the migration card.

For a short-term and single visit to the Russian Federation, there is no need to undergo such a complex procedure.

A citizen who has received a temporary residence permit does not have to renew his migration card, because his status changes.

Algorithm of actions in case of loss (loss) of a migration card

Contact the nearest police station

If you lose your migration card, you must immediately contact the nearest police station with a statement about the loss of your migration card. Next, the police department must issue a certificate or certificate of loss of the card.

Contacting the territorial branch of the FMS and submitting an application

With the issued certificate and other documents (identity card, travel documents, etc.), you must contact the territorial office of the FMS with a request to issue a duplicate migration card.

Migration help desk telephone numbers:

+7 (495) 636-98-98 ; +7(495) 587-07-87 in Moscow; +7 (812) 573–30–02 in St. Petersburg; Phone numbers in Russia can be found here .

In this situation, the foreigner must contact the territorial body of the Federal Migration Service within three days with an application for its restoration and an identity document. After confirmation of the legal crossing of the border by a foreigner, he will be issued a duplicate migration card free of charge.

If for any reason a migrant neglects this rule, then at the very first check of documents he will be prosecuted under Article 18.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses .

The punishment for not having a migration card varies depending on where the offense is recorded:

  • on the territory of Moscow or St. Petersburg - this is usually a fine and expulsion from Russia.
  • in other regions you will usually only be given a fine.

Leaving Russia and filling out a new form

Those citizens who discovered the loss of their migration card immediately before leaving the country can submit a corresponding application to a border service officer. He is obliged to provide a new form, which will need to be filled out in the same way as the first option, correctly indicating all the data, including the reason for entry and details of the receiving party.

Never try to buy a migration card after seeing a tempting offer. This may lead to the possession of a counterfeit, which, of course, will not pass the test against a single information database and may result in criminal liability for you.

Loss and delay

If the migrant does not waste time and immediately contacts law enforcement agencies, there will be no negative consequences. Service employees, after checking the documents and comparing them with the data in the electronic databases, will issue a new card. The procedure is free. To avoid a fine, the migrant must meet the three-day deadline.

Important! If you do not come to law enforcement agencies immediately after discovering the loss, the foreigner faces administrative liability - a fine. Deportation is not ruled out. The absence of a card can be detected by a law enforcement officer when checking documents.

Application for issuance of a duplicate

If a loss is detected, the procedure is as follows:

  1. Application to law enforcement agencies. Obtaining a certificate of loss.

    Application for issuance of a duplicate migration card

  2. Contacting the local migration service with an application to issue a duplicate. Bring a certificate of loss, passport or other identification document.

The legislation provides for a three-day period from the moment the visitor discovers the loss to contact the authorized bodies.

Submitting a migration card

They hand over their migration card upon departure. This must be done, otherwise information about departure will not be provided to the migration service, the migration card will continue to be valid and sooner or later the period of stay will be significantly exceeded. This threatens a ban on further entry and exit. The duration of the ban on entry into the Russian Federation depends on the number of days of delay ( Article 27 of the Federal Law of August 15, 1996 No. 114-FZ “On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entering the Russian Federation” ):

  • a three-year ban for those who exceeded the legal period of stay by 90 days in one visit or by 180 days in several visits;
  • a five-year ban for those who exceeded their legal stay by 270 days;
  • a 10-year ban for those who exceeded their legal stay by more than 270 days.

Issued by whom and where?

You can get paper in different ways:

  1. When entering the Russian Federation, see an official border service officer. This rule applies if you enter with your own car, that is, under your own power.
  2. In public transport. This could be a standard plane, train or international bus that goes across the border. In these situations, you can contact the personnel of the selected transport company or the responsible employee for the form.
  3. Upon arrival at the airport or train station in the city, if the required border control has not previously been carried out.

Most often, on trains and other public vehicles, migration cards are issued to travelers by crew members. This is done in advance. It is important that passengers have time to fill out the required fields before going through standard control. This approach allows us to avoid creating queues and delays at border checkpoints located in Russia.

Checking the entry ban into Russia

Every foreign citizen planning a trip to Russia has the opportunity to check whether he is allowed to enter the country. The data can be found on the website of the Main Migration Directorate by following the link:

The official website of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on migration issues looks like this:

Official website of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Here you will need to enter your data in the appropriate sections. The result will be known within a few seconds. Scrolling down the page will reveal fields that need to be filled out. They will be marked with an asterisk (*). Some of the fields to fill out can be seen in Figure 4:

checking the authenticity of the migration card

checking the authenticity of the migration card

You can also use the online service on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation by following the link https://mvd.rf/services-guvm .

On the page that opens, you need to select the section you are interested in and go to the desired page:

ban on entry into the Russian Federation

A small questionnaire will also open here, by filling out which you can obtain accurate information regarding the current bans on visiting the Russian Federation.

Checking the authenticity of the migration card

There are three ways to check the authenticity of a migration card:

  1. Call the migration service. The employee can confirm or deny the authenticity of the document. To do this, you need to provide his details, clarify your first and last name, as well as the time of entry into the territory of the Russian Federation. You can find contact numbers on our page in the TELEPHONES AND ADDRESSES section.
  2. Personally contact the department of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate or the Federal Migration Service with a corresponding application. Employees are required to check the documents and give their opinion regarding authenticity. You can also find the necessary addresses on our website.
  3. Check the data in a special section of the official website of the Main Directorate for Migration Issues. Link to the site and detailed instructions for filling out below.

To use the online service, you should go to the website https://mvd.rf/services-guvm and select the tab in the figure below:

checking the authenticity of the migration card

Next, you need to fill in your own identification data and the field with your individual migration card number.

This service is designed specifically to protect against scammers. If the online check does not give the desired result, you should immediately contact the police or the Federal Migration Service.

What to do if your migration card is lost?

If for some reason you suddenly lost your migration card or it became unusable while you are on the territory of the Russian Federation, then a foreign citizen must contact the FMS office within three days and report the loss or damage of the migration card . After the migrant’s data is verified, he is given a duplicate migration card with a special mark.

If you arrive at the border from Russia and you do not have a migration card with you, then according to the law, border guards are recommended to issue the foreign citizen a blank tear-off coupon “B” of the migration card for subsequent filling out. Such a coupon must also have a special mark. There are no fines for losing a migration card at the moment!

Note! If you come to the Russian Federation to carry out work activities and plan to apply for a work patent or work permit, then in the migration card it is MANDATORY that in the “Purpose of the visit” column it must be marked - WORK/EMPLOYMENT.

Otherwise, you will most likely have problems obtaining a patent for your work and you will have to leave the Russian Federation within 90 days.

Migration card for residents of the DPR and LPR

Citizens of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics are required to fill out migration cards on a general basis if they are citizens of Ukraine. When crossing the Russian border by a Ukrainian citizen living on the territory of the DPR and LPR, the migration card must be filled out on a general basis. The only exception is that, in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated February 18, 2017 No. 74, passports of citizens of the LPR and DPR are temporarily recognized on the territory of the Russian Federation as official identity documents.

Rules and features of filling

The migration card is divided into two parts according to the type of information to be filled out. The person crossing the border must fill out both:

  1. A. Coupon for border control by specialists. After completion, this part of the document remains with these employees.
  2. B. Remains with the foreign citizen. It should be kept until the end of your stay in Russia.

There are several rules for filling out the document:

  • should be written in Cyrillic;
  • if a citizen does not know the language, he fills out the paper in Latin;
  • the information must completely coincide with the data specified in the passport;
  • information is entered legibly, without errors;
  • handle black or blue.

Important ! The paper is filled out by the foreigner himself.

But this rule has certain exceptions. You can entrust the filling to third parties in the following cases:

  1. Decent age.
  2. Disease.
  3. Disability.

If you plan to travel with children, you need to fill out a migration card for them as well. A child who can write fills it out independently. Otherwise, parents or guardians must complete the form.

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