What consequences will the ban on entry of Russians into Ukraine lead to?



On January 1, 2021, new entry rules for Russians into Ukraine . Entry of citizens of the Russian Federation into the territory of Ukraine is carried out according to new rules. In particular, the procedure for Russians crossing the Ukrainian border provides for biometric control.

Up-to-date information as of 2021 can be found in the updated article New entry rules for Russians to Ukraine 2019

Let us recall that the tightening of the regime for the entry of Russian citizens into Ukraine is carried out within the framework of Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 256/2017 on the implementation of the decision of the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) dated July 10, 2017 “On strengthening control over the entry into Ukraine and departure from Ukraine of foreigners and stateless persons, their compliance with the rules of stay on the territory of Ukraine.”

Pros and cons of living in Ukraine

Positive conditions for immigration:

  • With the exception of the capital, you can live well in the country on five hundred dollars a month.
  • At the end of summer and beginning of autumn, you can stock up on cheap fruits and vegetables, even in the city.
  • There is an opportunity to prepare beer and wine for yourself.
  • Medical services in private clinics are high quality and cheap.
  • Travel to Europe without difficulties and extra costs.
  • You can find a suitable place for relaxation within the country.
  • Some products are of high quality.

    International passport

Disadvantages of living in Ukraine:

  • A job that pays well is worth the effort to find.
  • There is an open anti-Russian mood.
  • Government health care is in decline.
  • The railway network does not meet international standards.
  • Public opinion contains inaccurate interpretations of historical facts.
  • Private businesses are not supported.
  • There is “legal nihilism” in the country.
  • The culture of behavior on the roads leaves much to be desired.
  • In populated areas, construction rules are not always followed, and general sanitation requirements are not met.

Requirements for new rules for the entry of Russians into Ukraine in 2021

Do Russians need a visa to Ukraine in 2021?
New rules have been introduced for Russians entering Ukraine in January 2021.

Note! Biometric control is mandatory.

The tightening of measures has led to a new control procedure for incoming citizens, which includes three stages. Entry to Ukraine for Russians from January 1, 2021:

  • It is necessary to first fill out a form (electronically) for entry from Russia to Ukraine on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The document contains personal data, citizenship, profession, place of work, reason for the trip, and what places the citizen decided to visit. This is done within 30 days. The procedure is under development and is not currently in use.
  • Biometric data marking in the border zone. In the first case, a passport with fingerprints is required. Otherwise, you will have to prepare to take data at border control points.
  • Registration of a citizen at the place of residence. According to the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of the Ukrainian side, all foreigners from the zone of countries at risk of migration (Russian citizens are on this list) are required to register their residence in Ukraine.

Duration of stay in Ukraine for Russians

In accordance with Ukrainian legislation, the maximum period of visa-free stay in the country for citizens of the Russian Federation is 90 days within 180 from the date of first entry . In other words, Russians can stay in Ukraine for three out of six months; after this period, they must leave the country. The right to re-entry will appear only after 90 days.

Control and calculation of length of stay is carried out by border guards at checkpoints on the state border. For failure to comply with the time limits, Russian citizens may be denied entry, and for exceeding the period of stay in Ukraine, a fine may be imposed.

Documents for travel to Ukraine

Serbia: visa for Russians in 2018

By agreement, a visa-free regime has been established between Ukraine and Russia. A passport is required for travel.

Certificate from work

Documents for traveling to Ukraine from Russia in 2021:

  • Return ticket.
  • Voucher (paid tourist package).
  • Certified invitation.
  • Documents confirming solvency.
  • Documents on financial status.

An excursion to the country is possible with sufficient financial resources. In this case, the check is carried out randomly. To approximate the amount of accommodation, the following methodology is used:

FO = ((20 x PM): 30) x CD + 5, where:

  • FO - acceptable financial position.
  • PM - subsistence minimum per person per month.
  • KD - days in Ukraine.

A minimum amount must be present to attend. The cost of living is taken online.

Letter of guarantee

The following are not subject to financial status verification:

  • citizens with a residence permit;
  • children (under 18 years old);
  • diplomats;
  • refugees;
  • cruise tourists.

The rest should prepare to present:

  • Funds in foreign currency.
  • Bank cards with statements and checks.
  • Letter of guarantee from the receiving party.
  • Reservation of accommodation and payment for meals.
  • Voucher.
  • Return ticket with closed departure date.

How to get a visa to Ukraine?

This is what a Ukrainian visa looks like for foreigners.
Photo taken from pc-mattbrady.blogspot.ru Not everyone knows how to get a visa to Ukraine for Russians. A visa is a stamp that is placed in a foreign passport and has several types. It can be issued at a diplomatic mission or consulate.

Visa types:

  1. Transit visa . To enter a third country through the territory of Ukraine, you must present tickets and a valid pass to the country of final stay. The length of stay of such tourists is at least 5 days and up to a year. In the latter case, international goods transportation is assumed. Costs about $85.
  2. Short-term visas . When visiting the country for three months, a certificate of relationship is not required. This visa to Ukraine for Russians visiting relatives is issued for a year. Price about $130.
  3. Long-term visas . For work or study, as well as for potential migrants. Cost – $200.

The price for urgent processing doubles. You can also obtain a visa at the border or at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for a fee.

Visas between Ukraine and Russia significantly complicate the process of interaction between the two nations, but are part of modern realities that will have to be taken into account.

A Ukrainian visa can be obtained from embassies, consulates or visa centers.

What you can and cannot transport

There should be no more food than is needed for the trip.

For any weapon - permission from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and Ukraine.

There are no restrictions on gadgets and technical equipment, but the cost does not exceed 500 euros*. If you exceed it you will have to pay extra. As for leaving the Russian Federation, it is recommended that the citizen, if desired, declare personal belongings if their total value exceeds 65 thousand rubles*.

Customs declaration

Traveling with children

The procedure for entry of citizens of the Russian Federation into Ukraine determines the rules for crossing the border by minor citizens. It is equivalent to the rules for adults. Children fourteen years of age and older must have a foreign passport. A young child must be included in the parent’s passport (a photo of the child is pasted in).

In the case of a new sample - a passport for the child. When traveling with one parent, the written consent of the other is not required. If the departure is accompanied by other relatives or with accompanying persons, a notarized document is required.

The process of crossing the border of Ukraine

Having taken care in advance of having the necessary package of documents and having certain amounts of money, you should prepare yourself for a long stay in line, possible searches and lengthy conversations with border guards on both sides of the border. To reduce the number of questions at the border, it is advisable to ensure that you have a return ticket.

It is important to know! You do not need to fill out a migration card. When permission is given to cross the border, a mark is placed in the international passport, which must also include the period of stay in the country.

Customs rules of Ukraine provide for the possibility of refusal if inconsistencies are detected in documents.

Illegal crossing of the Ukrainian border is subject to administrative punishment (fine) and deportation from the country. The amount of penalties varies between several hundred or thousand UAH.

Invitation for Russian citizens to travel to Ukraine

Recently, entry requirements have become more stringent. First of all, this applies to men from 18 to 60 years old.

Note! According to the requirements of current legislation, issuing an invitation is necessary to obtain a visa.

To guarantee permission to visit, it is better to obtain an invitation from an individual. The invitation letter contains information about the inviting citizen and the invitee, the purpose of the visit, and the financial obligations of the receiving party. The paper is certified in Ukraine at a notary office.

Crossing the border with Ukraine today

Until 2015, Russian citizens could enter Ukraine using an internal general passport.
To enter, you will need to explain the reason for your visit. These become:

  • health condition or death of a relative;
  • an invitation to enter Ukraine from a private or legal entity, including a public organization. The invitation indicates the full name, address and telephone number of relatives (must be certified by a notary);
  • a valid employment contract in the country;
  • residence permit;
  • tourists with a transfer in Ukraine, which is confirmed by the availability of tickets;
  • cargo carriers plying through the territory of Ukraine;
  • The border is also open to a category called “foreign Ukrainians.”

It is important to know! Crossing the border with Ukraine today is almost completely prohibited for men with registration in Crimea and Sevastopol. The rest need to prepare for a long and thorough check of documents and belongings.

Denied entry to Ukraine

Entry into Ukraine and stay there for citizens of the Russian Federation must be ensured by a number of conditions:

  • Valid passport.
  • There is no entry ban (SBU, State Migration Service of Ukraine, State Border Guard Service).
  • Availability of a visa, unless otherwise provided by law.
  • Justified purpose of staying in the country.
  • Sufficient financial support for the excursion.

Important! If one or more requirements are not met, the authorized person refuses to cross the border.
After the report of the commissioner, the head of the security agency draws up the decision on refusal in two copies.

Stage No. 1: pre-registration and application form for entry into Ukraine

Due to the innovations, before your trip you must fill out an electronic form for entering Ukraine from Russia on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA). In the preliminary notification of intention to visit Ukraine, you must indicate personal data: full name, date of birth, profession and place of work, purpose of trip and localities that you plan to visit.

The deadline for submitting an application for entry into Ukraine is one month before the trip. The exception is emergency cases, such as illness or death of a relative.

Please note that the system of preliminary electronic notification of intention to visit the territory of Ukraine (pre-registration) is under development and the exact dates for the start of its operation are not yet known. Thus, submitting an online application to enter the country is now not required.

Appealing a refusal decision

A citizen who is refused may appeal the decision in accordance with the terms of the Law of Ukraine “On Citizens’ Appeals”. This does not prevent you from going to court. The refusal can be canceled or changed by the head of the security authority. Otherwise, it will be declared invalid by the court.

Before going to Ukraine, you need to familiarize yourself with the new requirements at the border and find out what you can carry.

*Amounts are current as of August 2021.

Are the restrictions permanent?

According to Alexei Makarkin, an analyst at the Center for Political Technologies, the entry ban is a temporary and emergency measure. The moratorium may be lifted after 30 days of martial law, the analyst admitted. He recalled that Ukraine had already temporarily tightened entry conditions for Russian men in 2014.

But even if the ban is lifted, additional checks at the border may continue to apply to Russians, Makarkin noted.

At the same time, Ukraine is unlikely to introduce visas. Firstly, in this case, Kyiv will not be able to turn back later if the situation changes, the analyst explained. Secondly, in this case, mirror measures may be taken against Ukraine, which, in turn, will harm migrant workers among Ukrainians.

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