The purpose of the visit will be transit and work will change. Migration card of the Russian Federation

Why do you need a migration card?

A migration card (also known as a “migration card”) is the main document for a foreign citizen. It confirms the fact that the country’s border was crossed legally and, as a result, the person has every reason to stay in Russia. For a while.

It should be taken into account that the purpose of entry in the migration card must always be filled in: a private one, for example, assumes that a foreign citizen has arrived in the Russian Federation to visit friends or relatives. There are many other options.

Migration card of the Russian Federation

Here you can find a migration card. The fields on form “A” that need to be filled out do not differ from the fields on the other form and look like this:

  • FULL NAME. – these are three required fields, where the person crossing the border must write his last name, first name and patronymic (if there is one). You can write in both Cyrillic and Latin;
  • The date of birth is the same as on your passport or visa.
    The date is entered in the format;
  • Check the box next to your gender;
  • Please indicate your nationality;
  • In the “Identity document” column, indicate your civil passport number;
  • If you have any Russian visa, then it is also advisable to fill in the “Visa number” field;
  • In the next field, you need to highlight the purpose of your visit - official, tourist, commercial, educational, work, private or transit.


Or in the case of “Study”, when he graduates from an educational institution in Russia, but in order to stay to work here, he must leave the Russian Federation and re-enter. And all this is just to highlight the “correct” point in the migration card... It is not entirely clear why a foreign citizen, while in Russia, cannot officially contact the migration service and report his intentions? Why, in order to communicate your intentions, do you have to leave Russia? Also, it is not entirely clear what to do with those foreign citizens who make mistakes due to simple inattention? For example, those foreigners who work in the Russian Federation on the basis of a work visa often emphasize “Business” instead of “Employment”.

And this is not due to a desire to deceive the migration service, but simply because for them “Business” is a typical (habitual) designation of work. Then you can legally stay in the country for up to 12 months from the date of entry, even if your migration card has already expired. Extension of the validity period of the card can be carried out either at the request of the inviting party or at the request of the foreign citizen himself. Extension is possible for the following reasons:

  • If a foreign person has received a temporary residence permit or has just submitted documents to receive it;
  • If a foreigner submits documents to obtain citizenship (then the validity period of the MK will be extended until a decision is made on the issuance/non-issuance of a passport); Obtaining citizenship
  • If the employer has submitted an official request to the migration control authorities to extend the person’s stay on the territory of the Russian Federation.

What purpose of the visit should you indicate?

The specific purpose of the visit in the migration card plays an important role, since it is impossible to cross the border without indicating it. On the other hand, once the goal is clarified, it is necessary to stick to it. There are 89 options approved by the appendix to the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 340/10/15, but most often only seven are used, marked in the map itself:

  1. Private . A universal item that should be chosen only if no others are suitable. Usually it is chosen by those who go to visit relatives or friends. If this goal is indicated in the migration document, then the foreigner will not be able to obtain documents for permanent residence in Russia (TRP, residence permit, etc.), he will not be able to get a job, and much more.
  2. Transit . Indicated if a person crosses the territory of the Russian Federation in order to get to another state. As in the previous case, he will not be able to obtain documents for permanent residence in the country, get a job, and so on.
  3. Employment . If the main goal is to find a job, then this item must be indicated. It should be borne in mind that such a goal allows you to obtain a patent for work, but will not give you the right to permanent residence. Simply put, permission to stay in the country will be related to the duration of the patent.
  4. Tourism . Used by those who come to the country to see the sights. In some cases, such foreigners are not even required to register at their place of residence.
  5. Official . It is used primarily by employees of companies that have specific goals in Russia. For example, bosses from head offices located outside the country, exchange employees, seconded specialists, and so on. This goal does not give the right to work, but since the person already works in the company he came to, there are usually no problems with this.
  6. Education . Used by foreign students who plan to study in the Russian Federation. You also cannot work or apply for permanent residence documents.
  7. Commercial (Business). This goal is usually indicated by business owners, individual entrepreneurs and other persons who arrived in the country to conclude a deal, negotiate, and so on.

In practice, the “Service” type goal is used extremely rarely; usually in these cases “Commercial” is used.

What will happen to a foreigner if he violates the purpose of the visit?

Olga Halina,

expert on migration law in St. Petersburg,

author of the VKontakte migration community:

Violation of the purpose of entry is a problem mainly for foreigners with visas, since “neighbors” (citizens from countries that were formerly part of the USSR) can rarely be legally fined for this in principle.

What does this mean? A fine of 2,000 to 5,000 rubles with or without administrative expulsion from Russia. But most often only a fine is applied.

In St. Petersburg, the Leningrad region, Moscow and the Moscow region, fines are higher - from 5,000 to 7,000 rubles.

How to change the purpose of the visit in the migration card?

According to the current legislation and established migration rules, a migration card is a document that contains basic information about a foreign citizen entering the country. The main purpose of the MK is to control the stay of foreigners in the Russian Federation.

Very often, citizens of other states entering the Russian Federation do not attach due importance to the data provided when preparing documents and filling out a migration card. In particular, many fill out the “Purpose of visit” column arbitrarily, and the information provided there does not correspond to reality. As a result, this may prevent you from filing a patent for your work.

What could be the purpose of the visit?

The “Purpose of visit” column is one of the most important in the migration card. It is not recommended to provide data here that differs from your actual intentions. It may indicate the following:

  • private visit;
  • Job;
  • tourism;
  • studies;
  • commercial visit;
  • transit.

If this column is left blank when filling out, the purpose of the visit will be automatically determined as private. In some cases, there is nothing wrong with this, especially if you are really just going to visit or going to see the sights of the country. However, there are situations where incorrectly filling out a migration card can lead to problems.

When is it important to correctly enter the purpose of the visit?

According to current legislation, a foreigner who wishes to apply for a labor patent must indicate “Work” in the “Purpose of visit” column. The migration card completed in this way becomes the basis for the acceptance of patent documents by FMS employees.

Changing the purpose of a foreign citizen’s visit is not provided for by law.

What to do if the purpose of the visit is indicated incorrectly?

If the purpose of the visit is incorrectly underlined in the migration card, this is bad, since it cannot be changed in the current migration card. The only opportunity to change the purpose of the visit from “private” to “work” is to obtain a new migration card at the border control point. To do this, you must at least go to the neutral zone and again cross the state borders of the Russian Federation, get a new migration card, and fill it out correctly.

If you need to quickly and competently solve this problem, we can help you! We will organize a prompt trip for you to the nearest border control point in Bryansk and help you obtain a new migration card for the required purpose of the visit. You can also apply for a patent for your work with us without any hassle.

Free consultation:


Is it possible and how to change the purpose of the visit?

If you indicated “Work” on your migration card, but in fact you need to study or, for example, you want to stay in Russia for permanent residence (permanent residence), there are several options for solving the problem.

The first option, the simplest, is to start working. After some time (usually 1-2 months is enough), you should start preparing documents, for example, for a temporary residence permit (registration of temporary residence). The inspector will ask why a different purpose was indicated, and you will calmly tell him that initially you were only going to work, but you liked it here and decided to stay (other options are possible, it is recommended to tell honestly). The main thing here is that the goal and the initial activity coincide. And if, immediately after crossing the border with a migrant whose purpose is “Work,” you go to draw up documents for permanent residence, you will have to pay a fine.

The second option is exit/entry. A fairly simple scheme in which a foreigner simply needs to cross the border in the opposite direction for at least a couple of minutes, after which he should return and immediately begin filling out a new migration form, indicating the changed purpose.

It is not necessary to go to your homeland and then return. For example, a citizen of Ukraine who decided to move to Russia, closer to China, is not required to return across the country to change the purpose on the migration card. It is enough to simply cross the border into China or any other country and return immediately.

Changing the purpose of the visit

The only legal way to change the purpose of entry into the international complex is to leave Russia (the “B” coupon will be taken away at the border) and return entry (they will issue a new international passport). You can cross the border at any border point, except for those countries where the borders are open and migration cards are not issued (in Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan).

Previously, this border crossing procedure was repeated as many times as desired, but since January 2014, the “90/180 rule” has been in effect. Calculator for calculating the length of stay in Russia.

Therefore it is recommended:

  • If the 90-day period of stay in the Russian Federation ends soon, they return to their homeland, and after 90 days they re-enter with a new migration card and the purpose of “Work” and acquire a patent, which is then extended;
  • If the end of the tenure is far away, a patent is immediately issued.

That is, now it’s time to think about how to extend the MK: after all, no one needs an employee who works for three months, then disappears for three months, then comes again.

If the purpose of the visit is indicated on the migration card: transit

The same form is issued for a child as for adults, which can be filled out by the child himself or his accompanying persons. Return to content Validity period and is it possible to extend With this card you can stay in the country for no more than 90 days. To extend their stay in the Russian Federation, many foreigners (we are talking about countries with a visa-free regime) use a certain trick - after the expiration of the MK, they leave the Russian Federation and, a day later, enter again, receiving a new migration card. It is worth remembering that this method is not entirely legal and if you use it often, you will attract the attention of FMS employees and border guards.

If you try to leave the country with an expired form, you will be fined 5 thousand rubles. An exception is made only if you have received a job offer.

Home Questions and orders The migration card indicated transit, but did not leave - will they force you to make a new migration card? Asking is faster than reading. lawyers! 8398 lawyers are waiting for you Question author: Belarus Good afternoon! Please tell me if you entered Russian territory from Ukraine and indicated transit on your migration card, since you were traveling through Russia and Belarus, but it turned out that at the border of Russia and Belarus we were not given a new migration card.

Will they force us to go again to the border with Ukraine and make a new migration card? Thank you in advance. Migration Law | Mogilev Complain to moderator Answers from lawyers Khamatova Rezeda (09/04/2014 at 10:25:19 AM) No, they won’t force you.

To work in Russia, foreigners must have a permit, which can only be obtained by indicating the appropriate purpose of entry on the migration card. But what if plans change, and instead of going on vacation, you need to officially get a job? Let's figure out how to change the purpose of the visit in the migration card and is it even possible?

The content of the article:

What documents are needed

Documents must be submitted to the consular departments of diplomatic missions of the Russian Federation in the country itself or abroad. Documents for transit are also accepted at visa centers located in many cities and countries around the world.

When going to the consulate or visa center, you need to prepare the following documents to submit:

  1. Completed visa application form. .
  2. A current passport, which must contain a visa from the country where the foreigner is traveling. The exception is the existence of a visa-free regime between the applicant’s home country and the final destination of travel.
  3. Three photographs. Rules for taking photographs should be viewed on the website of the diplomatic mission.
  4. A health insurance policy that will cover the entire period of travel and stay in the Russian Federation.
  5. Travel tickets with exact arrival/departure dates.

It is not necessary to provide an invitation to obtain a transit visa. You just need to fill out the visa application form correctly. The consular section or visa center checks travel documents to confirm the dates of foreigners' entry into and exit from Russia.

Health insurance policy

Employees of institutions have the right to clarify the entire route of a foreign citizen. If everything is in order with these documents, then there will be no reason to refuse a visa. The only exception is the presence of a ban on a specific person entering Russia or visiting a third country.

The risk of being refused increases if the applicant has a criminal past, as well as a violation of visa rules for visiting Russia. Having received a visa, you need to adhere to the rules of stay in the Russian Federation and make stops by car or other transport only in designated places.

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