Application for confirmation of Russian citizenship

A sample of filling out an application for Russian citizenship in 2021 (new sample) can be downloaded from the link at the end of the article (a blank form is also available for download there). The application must be completed in accordance with legal requirements. If there are violations, a decision is made to refuse to accept documents and the applicant is explained the right to make adjustments. The reader will learn from the article what procedure for drawing up an application for Russian citizenship is used in Russia, how to fill out the application (step-by-step instructions for each point).

General rules for applying for Russian citizenship

Let us remind you that we reflected the entire procedure for obtaining citizenship in our thematic article - “Everything about obtaining Russian citizenship.” Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated November 14, 2002 No. 1325 approves the Regulations that approve the application for citizenship (or rather, its form, form). It is important to know that in 2021, a new type of application for Russian citizenship is being applied, despite the fact that the form was approved back in 2002. In 2021, the old form has undergone significant changes, which were taken into account when preparing the material.

You can submit your application at your place of residence or stay along with other necessary documents. The following persons have the right to do this:

Those who live in RussiaA package of documents is submitted to the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
Those who are outside RussiaDocuments are submitted to the diplomatic mission or consulate in the country where the applicant lives.

The application is submitted in 2 copies. It must be submitted in a form that corresponds to the specific basis for acquiring citizenship. To fill it out correctly, it should be contained at the end of the article.

The following application forms are used:

  • specified in Appendix No. 1 to Decree No. 1325 - for adult applicants filling out an application in a general or simplified manner;
  • specified in Appendix No. 3 - to fill out an application for citizenship of the child.

An application for admission to citizenship of the Russian Federation is submitted to the head of the territorial unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (consulate, diplomatic mission).

With the completed application form for admission to citizenship of the Russian Federation, pre-collected documents are provided in one copy:

  • document - the basis for granting citizenship (for example, a residence permit);
  • 3 photographs 3x4 cm;
  • identification document;
  • a receipt for payment of the consular fee for those living abroad;
  • receipt of payment of state duty for those living in Russia;
  • documents confirming your place of residence in the Russian Federation.

When submitting an application and a package of documents for Russian citizenship, an identity document (for example, a passport) is provided. If it contains information about the applicant’s place of residence and citizenship, there is no need to further confirm them.

General rules for applying for citizenship in the Russian Federation in 2021

The general rules for conferring Russian citizenship are regulated by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1325 of November 14, 2002, which provides for the submission of an approved application form and the preparation of the necessary materials.
In 2021, a new form was installed, which, compared to the old model, received significant amendments. You can submit the form at the citizen’s location. The following persons have the right to obtain citizenship:

  1. For those living in the Russian Federation, documents are sent to the territorial department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  2. Documents located outside the Russian Federation are sent to the consulate in the state where the citizen is located.

The application is sent in 2 copies and filled out according to the approved form corresponding to the specific basis for obtaining citizenship.

Several options for questionnaires are used:

  • Approved in Appendix No. 1 to Decree No. 1325, which is intended for adults filing a request under general or simplified rules.
  • Approved in Appendix No. 3, serving to assign citizenship to a child.

The following materials are attached along with the completed application form:

  • Certificate certifying your residence permit.
  • 3 photo cards (3x4) cm.
  • Passport or other form of identification.
  • Certificate of transfer of consular fee for persons abroad.
  • Certificate of transfer of state duty for persons located in the Russian Federation.
  • Certificate of registration in the Russian Federation.

When sending an application and accompanying materials to obtain Russian citizenship, you must present a passport. If it contains information about registration of citizenship, additional certificates are not required.

The procedure for certification of documents attached to the application and its acceptance by officials

The originals of the identity card and residence permit will be checked with copies and returned to the applicant - officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs attach only their copies to the application for obtaining Russian citizenship.

If documents are in a foreign language, they must be translated. Confirmation of the accuracy of the translation is required. This can be done at a notary. Documents received in a foreign country must be legalized in Russia. An apostille is allowed.

Documents and an application for admission to Russian citizenship are considered accepted from the day they are submitted for consideration. The application is dated and signed by the applicant in the presence of an employee. If the papers are not properly completed, they will be returned and not accepted for consideration.

If an applicant for acquisition of Russian citizenship deliberately provides incorrect information in the application or submits false documents, the application is rejected.

Citizenship application forms

You can obtain application forms to fill out at the territorial office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or request papers from a consulate or embassy if the person who needs to obtain citizenship lives abroad.

Please note that there are three application forms depending on the category of the applicant:

Applicant categoryNormative actDocument form
For standard orderDecree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1325 of November 14, 2002 (as amended on October 24, 2018, as amended on April 29, 2019)Appendix No. 1
For a simplified orderAppendix No. 2
To obtain Russian citizenship for a minor child in a simplified mannerAppendix No. 3

How to fill out the application?

Filling out the application form for Russian citizenship is permissible only in Russian. In this case, it is possible to enter information into the document by hand, or type the text using a computer or typewriter.

When filling out the application for Russian citizenship by hand, it is not necessary to write in block letters. The main thing is that the text is legible. Please review examples of filling out sections (given below in the text of the article) if you are not sure that all the necessary information will fit into the table. You should write briefly and to the point. The use of abbreviations and abbreviations is not permitted.

If the applicant chooses to fill out the Russian citizenship application form on a computer, the following rules apply:

  1. The application can be printed on a computer and then printed on your own printer.
  2. Printing on sheets of A3 or A4 format is allowed, but on both sides.
  3. The font can be any size. If desired, the text can be italicized or bold.
  4. Empty rows in tables can be deleted.

The points from the application for admission to Russian citizenship must correspond to similar points in the applications for a temporary residence permit or residence permit.

The inspector will not accept an incorrectly completed form. Therefore, you should not do the following:

  • cut out photographs and paste them yourself before submitting documents;
  • sign the application before submitting it;
  • tear tables and paragraphs into two pages;
  • cross out words and make edits using a proofreader (stroke).

If the application contains marks, it is better to fill it out again. In addition, you cannot give lengthy answers to questions. They should be succinct and unambiguous. Double interpretations should not be allowed.

Currently, it is not possible to fill out an application for Russian citizenship electronically.

Why do we only have current data?

When searching for forms on the Internet, you should pay attention to their relevance. The fact is that forms are constantly changing. These changes may be minor, but despite this, it is prohibited to use outdated forms - they simply will not be accepted for consideration. You can find current documents on the official websites of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other government bodies. Or download forms on our website.

We check changes in legislation daily by updating the document database on the page. All forms presented in the section are relevant for 2021, so you can use them to fill out and submit to the migration authorities.

In addition to blank forms, we have collected samples of completed documents. These are statements prepared by real foreign citizens. Sample applications for temporary residence permit, temporary residence permit, citizenship - these are accepted applications, we only changed the personal data of the applicants in them.

Subscribe to Migranta Rus: Yandex News.

An example of filling out an application for Russian citizenship in 2021. Filling out the first page of the application

Here are step-by-step instructions for filling out the application. Let us remind you that the application form for Russian citizenship 2021 can be downloaded from the link at the end of the article.

Filling out the application for Russian citizenship begins with the header. It indicates the full name of the body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. When filling out the form, you can use the following example: Department of Internal Affairs of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of St. Petersburg or the Leningrad Region.

Then unnecessary information about the grounds for admission to citizenship is crossed out (Article 13 - general procedure, Article 14 - simplified procedure, or restoration of citizenship).

Then the motive for obtaining Russian citizenship is indicated.

Filling options may be as follows:

  • obtaining citizenship of the Russian Federation.
  • I wish to work and reside permanently in Russia.
  • family reunification.

Then fill out the section asking for simultaneous citizenship of parents and children. If spouses apply for citizenship at the same time, children must be included in the application of one of the parents. This significantly simplifies the procedure and eliminates repeated requests. An indication must be made if the child’s citizenship remains the same.


  • I do not ask (if the child does not plan to obtain citizenship);
  • son – Vladimir Petrovich Ivanov, born March 20, 2013, Kiev, Ukraine, citizen of Ukraine.

Next, fill in the column with information about the second parent of the children, if any.


  • No;
  • Petrov Vladimir Alekseevich, citizen of the Russian Federation, Russian Federation, Volgograd city, Sovkhoznaya street, building 6, apartment 4.

Forms and samples of applications for Russian citizenship

Application form for citizenship of the Russian Federation of a new sample (One Download) Application form for citizenship of the Russian Federation of a new sample (2 option) (216 Downloads) Application form for citizenship of the Russian Federation for a child (95 Downloads) Application form for citizenship of the Russian Federation in a simplified manner (268 Downloads) Form applications for Russian citizenship for residents of the LDPR according to Decree No. 187 (110 Downloads) Application form for Russian citizenship according to the LDPR (68 Downloads)

Sample application for Russian citizenship (215 Downloads) Sample application for Russian citizenship for a child (49 Downloads) Sample application for Russian citizenship in a simplified manner (208 Downloads) Sample application for Russian citizenship by marriage (120 Downloads) Sample application for Russian citizenship for residents LDNR according to Decree No. 187 (One Download) Sample application for Russian citizenship for residents of LDNR according to Decree No. 187 with trailer (49 Downloads) Sample application for Russian citizenship according to NRY (67 Downloads)
Application for admission to Russian citizenship 2021 accepted form.

Filling out a sheet with information about the applicant (points 1 - 7)

  • the surname, first name and patronymic are indicated (as in an identity document). If there is no middle name in the documents, it does not need to be indicated. It is necessary to enter information about the date and reason for changing the full name. (if changed) Only Cyrillic writing is allowed.

Example: Petrov Ivan Alekseevich, did not change his last name, first name and patronymic;

  • Fill in the full date, city and country of birth.

Example: May 7, 1989, Tashkent city, Uzbek SSR;

  • gender is indicated.

Examples: female; male;

  • citizenship information. It is necessary to indicate on what basis, where and when it was received. The same applies to loss of citizenship. In the latter case, the reason is indicated.

Example: Moldova, previously a citizen of the USSR, lost as a result of the collapse of the USSR. The same paragraph indicates the name of the foreign state, the number and type of document, and the date of issue. If there is no such document, you must write “I do not have”;

  • it is indicated whether the applicant was a citizen of Russia or the USSR. If the answer is yes, the basis and date of termination are indicated. The details of the document are entered, on the basis of which the information can be confirmed.

Example: was a citizen of the USSR, lost due to the collapse of the USSR in 1991, Birth Certificate No. 7556568 issued on 02/01/1971 by the Civil Registry Office of the city of Kharkov;

  • Have you previously applied for Russian citizenship? If yes, the body responsible for making the decision is indicated.

Example: did not apply.

Filling out a sheet with information about the applicant (points 8 - 13)

  • Paragraph 8 contains information about renunciation of citizenship. If the applicant does not renounce his current citizenship in advance, an obligation is given to renounce it at a later date. In case of preliminary refusal, you must indicate the name of the document, its number, date and issuing authority.

Example: application for renunciation of Ukrainian citizenship dated February 3, 2015, 77 AB No. 000507, sent by registered mail to the Consular Section of the Embassy of Ukraine in the Russian Federation.

  • In paragraph 9, nationality is indicated. It must be entered only at the discretion of the applicant. If he does not have such a desire, it is not necessary to provide this information.

As examples: Russian; I don’t want to point it out.

  • At the request of the applicant, religion is indicated. Like the previous one, this item is optional.

Examples: Christianity; I don’t want to point it out.

  • information about education and professional qualifications is entered. You must indicate the name of the educational institution where you received your education. Information is required about the number, date, place of issue of the diploma and obtaining a specialty.

Example: higher education, graduated from Odessa National University named after I.I. Mechnikov with a degree in economics, diploma No. 000000, issued on July 31, 1992 in the city of Odessa.

  • information about the availability of an academic degree and title is filled in. Enter information about the diploma number, place and date of issue. If you don’t have an academic degree, you can write “I don’t have.”
  • Family status. If the applicant is married, indicate the number of the marriage certificate and the date of its issue. The authority that issued the certificate is indicated. If the applicant is divorced, it is necessary to provide information from the relevant certificate. If the applicant is not and has never been married, indicate “single” or “not married.”

Filling out a sheet with information about the applicant (points 14 - 19)

  • information about close relatives is filled out. Data must be entered about persons in a strictly specified sequence - about husband or wife, children, brothers and sisters. If any of these persons died, information about them is also included.

  • This section provides information on work activity for the last 5 years before submitting the application. This period includes the period of education and military service. All organizations should be indicated by periods of study or work. If the applicant does not work and has not worked, he must indicate this as well.

  • sources of livelihood. All types of income received are indicated. If pension payments are assigned, the number and type of certificate, when and by whom it was issued, are indicated.

Examples: wages; contribution to PJSC Sberbank.

  • sources of income for the previous year preceding the date of submission of the application form for Russian citizenship. The period starting from January 1 and ending on December 31 is taken into account. Indicate the amount of income not less than the subsistence minimum. You can provide information about the contribution if the salary is small. If a woman does not work, she can provide her husband’s 2-NDFL certificate.

  • type of economic activity (for entrepreneurs) according to the All-Russian Classifier for the last 3 years that preceded the date of filing the application for citizenship. The period and type of economic activity are indicated, as well as the OKVED code. If the applicant is not an entrepreneur, you can indicate “I do not carry out” or leave the field blank.

  • the owners of the legal entity fill out the organizational and legal form, address and name. The registration number is indicated. This item is for those who have invested in the authorized capital. This section is filled out on the basis of paragraph “h” of Part 2 of Article 14 of the Federal Law “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation”. If the applicant does not own a legal entity, you can indicate “I do not carry out” or leave the field blank.

Filling out a sheet with information about the applicant (points 20 - 24)

  • type of economic activity according to the All-Russian Classifier. Refers to activities over the past 3 years. This paragraph concerns investors in the authorized capital of a Russian legal entity. If the applicant is not engaged in such activities, the field is left blank or “I do not carry out” is indicated.

  • TIN number. It should be indicated if available. It is necessary to indicate the place and date of receipt of the TIN certificate and the name of the issuing authority.
  • knowledge of Russian language. Provide information from a document that can confirm this.

Example: I own. Certificate of passing the state test in Russian language 03000000406 was issued on September 25, 2015 by RUDN. Moscow city.

  • indicates the attitude towards military service. The applicant must indicate whether he is liable for military service or not.

Example: a person liable for military service, not called up for military or alternative civilian service.

  • information about permanent or temporary residence in Russia is indicated. The information provided must be confirmed by a temporary residence permit or residence permit. The period, type and number of the document, by whom and when it was issued are indicated.

Example: permanent residence since 02/15/2014 on a residence permit series 03 No. 100102, issued on 02/10/2013 by the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the city of Moscow, from 02/15/2014, registered at the address: Russia, Moscow, Verkhnie Polya street, building 35, building 1, apartment 3.

  • Departures from the Russian Federation during the period of permanent residence are indicated.

Other required documents

The following documents are submitted with the application for admission of a child to Russian citizenship::

  1. Birth certificate.
  2. Passport (if available).
  3. Residence permit or other document replacing it. Such documents may include:
      extract from the house register;
  4. a copy of the apartment card;
  5. temporary residence permit, etc.
  6. REFERENCE: In some cases, a residence permit can be replaced by the following documents: confirmation of the child’s residence outside the Russian Federation, grounds for placing the child under supervision.

  7. Consent of a child between 14 and 18 years of age.
  8. Statement from the other parent regarding the child’s consent to accept Russian citizenship.
    Drawed up by hand and notarized. In the event of the death or recognition of the missing of the other parent, or deprivation of his parental rights, as well as in the absence of any information about him or his complete absence (single mother), other documents are provided (court decision, death certificate, written statement mother).
  9. A document confirming the civil status of the other parent (if the child lives outside the Russian Federation).
  10. In some cases, a certificate of guardianship or adoption is required.

You will find more details about what documents are needed to obtain Russian citizenship for a child here.

You can also read the following articles on our website:

  • Features of obtaining Russian citizenship for a newborn.
  • What documents are needed to obtain citizenship for a child born in Russia?
  • How can a child obtain Russian citizenship by birthright?

Filling out a sheet with information about the applicant (points 25 - 30)

  • indicates your stay in Russia at the place of registration or actual address of residence. If you have a supporting document, it must be provided along with the package of documents and the application. The number and date of who issued the document are indicated. The field is left blank for individuals planning to complete an application for citizenship by marriage. “Did not stay” is indicated if the applicant has not been to Russia and submits an application at the embassy of the country of residence.
  • special status of being on the territory of the Russian Federation. The number and date of issue of the document must be indicated. Indicate the name of the authority that issued it. This status is granted to refugees, voluntary migrants and some other categories.
  • filled out if during the last 5 years the applicant was expelled from the territory of Russia before filing an application addressed to the applicant. If yes, then the reason, number and date of the decision are indicated.

Example: not expelled.

  • filled out by those who were or are in military service, law enforcement or security agencies of another state. In case of a positive answer, it is indicated in what period and where the applicant served, his last rank, position and rank.

Example: I am not a member, was not a member.

  • whether they were prosecuted. If not, “not involved” is indicated. In case of a positive answer, it is indicated when, where and under what articles. If the applicant was convicted, the type of punishment is indicated. Additionally, a copy of the verdict is provided.
  • concerns prosecution by the authorities of a foreign state for the commission of a criminal offense. If the answer is positive, it is indicated when and where, under what articles the person is being prosecuted.

Example: no, I am not being persecuted.

Filling out a sheet with information about the applicant (points 31 - 34)

  • The telephone number and address of residence at the place of stay are indicated.

Example: 101000, Moscow, Fabrichnaya street, building 2, apartment 86, telephone.

  • actual residence address and telephone number. This field should be left blank if citizenship is acquired through marriage.

Example: 123406, Moscow, Sovetskaya street, building 8, apartment 36, telephone.

  • information from the identity document is indicated. Data about the series and number of the document, date and who issued it are entered. Some inspectors ask to enter information from the residence permit.

Example: National passport EA000203, issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine on October 3, 2012. Residence permit for a foreign citizen, series 77 No. 1243576, issued on April 20, 2016 by the Federal Migration Service for the city of Moscow.

  • a list of documents provided with the application is indicated.

When the documents and application for citizenship of the Russian Federation for a foreign citizen are accepted, the applicant will be provided with a certificate about this. It indicates the full name. applicant, date of acceptance of the document, case number and name of the inspector. Thus, after reading the article, the answer to the question of how to correctly fill out the citizenship application form in 2021 is resolved. If there are sufficient grounds for acquiring Russian citizenship and the necessary documents are submitted, the issue will be considered positively.

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