Residence permit in Lithuania for Russians

  1. Reasons
  2. Stages
  3. Advantages
  4. Refusal

Lithuania is one of the young and promising countries of the European Union. And although the standard of living and wages here are not the highest in the EU, the country is actively developing and has a favorable investment climate. The Republic of Lithuania attracts Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians with its territorial proximity, loyal population and understanding of Russian speech.

Any foreigner who is ready to invest in the economy or who wants to reunite with their family can obtain a residence permit in Lithuania. The status gives the right to employment, free education, visa-free visits to Schengen countries and many other benefits. How can I obtain a residence permit? Are there any special requirements or restrictions?

Residence permit in Lithuania

A residence permit in Lithuania allows foreigners to legally reside in the republic. Representatives of non-EU countries are issued a residence permit for 2 years, after which it is extended for 3 years. Persons of Lithuanian origin – immediately for 5 years. After 5 years of temporary resident status, a foreigner receives the right to request permanent residence.

Non-residents planning to stay in the country for more than 90 days are required to apply for a residence permit. The presence of such status is confirmed by a plastic ID card issued by the Lithuanian Migration Department. Documents for renewal must be submitted 4 months before the expiration of the status, at the latest - 1 month. An extension is possible only if there are compelling reasons to stay in the country (for example, an employment or marriage contract).

A potential immigrant draws attention to the ease of obtaining a residence permit in Lithuania in comparison with other European countries. Since 2015, the status has been recognized as unconditional for the owner of Lithuanian real estate; a sufficient condition is 7 sq. m. m of living space for each family member.

Stages of obtaining a residence permit in Lithuania

Preparation of documents for residence permit

Based on the chosen method of obtaining a residence permit, a dossier required by Lithuanian legislation is collected. Every document, with the exception of a passport, issued by foreign authorities must be translated into Lithuanian, legalized or certified with an apostille. The exception is certificates received in Estonia, the Russian Federation, Latvia, Moldova and Ukraine.

Submitting an application

Registration of the prepared package of documents for obtaining residence permit status is carried out at the Department of Immigration and Citizenship on the territory of the Republic of Lithuania or at a diplomatic mission of the country located outside the Schengen zone. Before submitting an application, the applicant must pay a state fee of 90 EUR for consideration of the application or 180 EUR for urgent verification.

Obtaining a residence permit in Lithuania

To submit and await consideration of an application for a temporary residence permit in the Republic of Lithuania, a foreigner can obtain a national visa and freely stay in the country. Once the decision is made, the applicant is given a 3-month period to pay for the production of the residence permit card. You can receive the completed document in person in 2-10 days at the Office of Immigration and Citizenship.

The text was moderated by
Alexander Samoilov, Leading migration specialist in the direction of “Immigration to the EU”

On what grounds can a residence permit be issued?

A Russian or Belarusian must have legal grounds to obtain a residence permit in Lithuania. Most often, applicants come to the country for the purposes of employment, training, reunification with relatives or doing business. What are the requirements for applicants in each case?

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Work is the most popular way for foreigners to obtain a residence permit in Lithuania. As in other countries, first you need to find an employer, apply for a work permit and open a work visa. If a vacancy is found for which there are no Lithuanian applicants, the permit is issued within 2 months. Professions in demand in the country: engineers, drivers, builders, agricultural workers.

Studying at a university

A diploma from a Lithuanian university opens the way for a graduate to employment in any European country, and some universities offer training in Russian. Popular specialties among foreigners are medical and technical. A residence permit is issued upon admission to a higher education institution.


A dynamic market economy and a favorable investment climate attract foreigners to do business. There are plenty of directions - industry, tourism, agriculture, IT industry. The main requirement is to open a company that has been operating for at least 6 months and has at least 3 local citizens among its employees. Businessmen are attracted by the accessibility and ease of running their own business in the country with low tax rates for Europe.

Family reunification

Based on family ties, a residence permit in Lithuania may request:

  • Spouse or partner of a citizen of the republic or a foreigner with a residence permit living in the country for at least 2 years.
  • Parents whose children have Lithuanian citizenship or are refugees with permanent residence.
  • Children whose parents have a Lithuanian passport and live in the country.
  • Children with parents of disability or retirement age who have permanent residence status.

The country also has a program for repatriates, which can be used by foreigners who have documentary evidence of their ethnicity (children, grandchildren of Lithuanians).

Reasons for obtaining a residence permit include such exceptional cases as guardianship (for a foreigner guarding a Lithuanian citizen) and treatment (if a long course is required in one of the country’s clinics). A residence permit may be granted to refugees persecuted for political reasons in their home country. But buying real estate does not guarantee a successful result when obtaining a residence permit in Lithuania.

Where and how to obtain a Lithuanian residence permit

To obtain a Lithuanian residence permit, you should contact the Lithuanian Migration Department. Its structural units operate under all police commissariats in the country. To come to Lithuania, you will need to open a Schengen visa, which can be obtained at the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in Russia (for Russians) or in the applicant’s country of residence. You can also contact any of the joint visa centers that issue visas of the appropriate type.

Lithuania is a very colorful country with a rich history

Procedure for obtaining a residence permit

The applicant must contact the migration department with an application and documents. Their list includes:

  • the applicant's foreign passport valid for at least two years. You will also need a photocopy of this document;
  • four photographs;
  • documents that will serve as the basis for requesting status;
  • medical certificate of health, which can be obtained at any of the Lithuanian public clinics,
  • medical insurance of a single European type, the minimum coverage of which is 30 thousand euros;
  • confirmation of sufficient funds to live in the country. Bank statements or other evidence of financial independence will be required;
  • confirmation that the immigrant has a place to live in Lithuania. This may be ownership of housing or a long-term lease agreement;
  • a receipt confirming payment of all administrative fees.

All documentation is submitted in Lithuanian. Those documents that the applicant received within the European Union will not require any further action. All translations must be certified with an apostille. It is advisable to apply for translations to special bureaus, where they can subsequently be certified.

The photo must meet certain standards

When immigrating minors, the main responsibility for implementing this task falls on the parents. A child who has reached the age of 16 is required to submit an application to the migration service, personally written and signed by him. Birth certificates and passports (if available) will be required for children. Parents jointly apply for their child to obtain a residence permit. If a residence permit is requested with only one of the parents, then the absent parent must formalize and have his consent certified by a notary for his child to receive a residence permit in the Republic of Lithuania. If this is not possible, then the parent present must justify the reason why the other is absent. Death, a long prison term, incapacity, deprivation of parental rights, recognition as missing, and so on are recognized as an objective reason.

When applying for a Lithuanian residence permit, immigrants will not need to confirm their knowledge of the official language of this country. But it will be necessary to confirm your knowledge of Lithuanian already at the stage of obtaining permanent residence.

When applying for a residence permit, the applicant will need to pay 120 euros . The applicant will have to wait at least a month for a decision on his issue. The waiting period largely depends on how correctly the applicant selected and prepared the submitted documents. It is possible that Lithuanian migration officers may ask for additional documentation, usually related to the basis for requesting a residence permit.

The currency of Lithuania is the euro

Stages of obtaining a residence permit

The procedure for obtaining a residence permit in Lithuania may differ in terms of the grounds for moving. However, the procedure is the same in all cases:

  1. Preparation of the necessary package of documents.
  2. Make an appointment at the consulate or migration department.
  3. Visit to the institution with a full set of papers.
  4. Participation in the interview.
  5. Waiting for a decision on granting a residence permit.

An application for a residence permit can be submitted at the consulate of your home country or in Lithuania itself. According to the new rules of 2021, the possibility of conducting an interview with the candidate and filling out a questionnaire is not excluded.

Requirements for the applicant

To obtain a residence permit in Lithuania, a third-country citizen must have a legal basis (the options are described above), which he will have to confirm with the appropriate documents. Recently, new rules came into force according to which a foreigner who has tax debts exceeding the amount of the social contribution will not receive a residence permit in Lithuania. In addition, the applicant must strictly fulfill customs obligations. With the growing number of illegal migrants in the country, Lithuanian diplomats are taking a closer look at suspicious applicants. Otherwise, the migrant’s compliance with the requirements and conditions of the residence permit is verified by the documents provided to him.

Mandatory documents

The package of documents for requesting a residence permit in Lithuania includes:

  • application in the prescribed form;
  • photo 4x6 cm;
  • international passport with copies of pages;
  • open valid visa;
  • certificate of good conduct;
  • document certifying the basis of the residence permit;
  • proof of means of subsistence;
  • documents for place of residence;
  • medical insurance;
  • receipt of payment of state duty.

Employees of the Lithuanian migration office may request additional information, depending on the circumstances.

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Visa application

An open visa is a key document for a foreigner entering any country. To obtain a residence permit in Lithuania, you will need a valid long-term National visa (D). The document is issued to those who arrive in the Republic of Lithuania for work, study, or for the purpose of family reunification. A national visa is valid for no less than 91 days and no more than 1 year. A multiple-entry visa for 1 year can be extended 180 days from the date of expiration of the initial one. To obtain a National visa, a foreigner must pay a consular fee of 120 €, submit an application and a generally accepted package of documents for obtaining visas.

Cost of the procedure and time frame for obtaining a residence permit

An application for a Lithuanian residence permit can be considered in the usual or urgent manner; for the second option you will have to pay more. In standard cases, document verification takes up to 4 months; an accelerated procedure will take place within 2 months. The total cost of the procedure includes:

  • The state fee is 86 euros in a regular case and 172 euros in an urgent case.
  • Document production costs 28 and 56 euros, respectively.
  • Consular fee – 60 euros.

A plastic card is produced in 10 or 5 days, depending on the order.

Advantages of Lithuanian residence permit

Legal employment The status of a resident of the Republic of Lithuania allows you to officially work in the territory of the state without the need to obtain a work visa.

Freedom of movement The Lithuanian residence permit card provides access to visa-free travel and stay of 90 days within a 180-day period in the countries of the European Union and the Schengen area.

Government support A Lithuanian residence permit allows holders to apply for social assistance from the government in the form of scholarships for students and unemployment benefits.

Business opportunities With a residence permit, you can register a company in Lithuania and conduct business on the European market.

Medical care Holders of a residence permit of the Republic of Lithuania have the right to receive free medical care guaranteed by the state.

Right to equality At the legislative level, all citizens and residents of Lithuania are equal regardless of their gender, race, nationality, language, origin, social status, religion, beliefs or opinions.

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Advantages of obtaining a Lithuanian residence permit

The main advantage of a Lithuanian residence permit is free movement within the Schengen territory. What else does this status give to foreigners:

  • Access to European loans with low interest rates.
  • Employment or running your business in an attractive tax environment.
  • European education for all family members.
  • High level of social security and medicine.
  • Prospects for family well-being.
  • Possibility to apply for permanent residence after 5 years.

However, we should not forget about the negative aspects of living in the republic:

  • The standard of living is lower than in many European countries.
  • Unenviable subsidy scheme for migrants.
  • Without knowledge of the Lithuanian language, difficulties may arise in getting a job.
  • The weather in the country is mostly cloudy and cool.
  • Long-term investment in the economy is not as reliable as, for example, in Germany.
  • Dual citizenship is permitted only in exceptional cases.

However, moving to Lithuania could be the start of a further presence in Europe.

Why can they refuse or deprive me of my status?

It is quite easy to obtain a residence permit in Lithuania; Lithuanian authorities rarely refuse applicants. Obvious reasons for refusal or deprivation of status are:

  • insufficient grounds for a residence permit;
  • fictitiousness of the documents provided;
  • violation of the registration procedure;
  • threat to national security;
  • improper business conduct;
  • incorrect payment of taxes.

If the reason for the refusal can be eliminated, the law does not prohibit applying for a residence permit in Lithuania again. In difficult cases, you can file an appeal with the Migration Department. However, statistics claim that Russians receive refusals in only 4% of cases.

What are the innovations in Lithuanian migration legislation?

From November 1, 2021, the Lithuanian authorities have made some tightening of migration rules. According to the new rules, resident status is not issued to foreign citizens who have arrears in payments to the state budget of the Republic of Lithuania.

A restriction has also been introduced on the issuance of residence permits to foreigners who have serious violations of customs rules. In addition, an ambiguous clause has appeared in the migration legislation, which, according to experts in the field of immigration, can be interpreted in two ways. The issuance of a residence permit will be refused if representatives of the Lithuanian migration authorities find the applicant’s behavior suspicious. However, the legislation says nothing about the criteria for suspicion.

The adoption of the changes was caused by the European migrant crisis, as well as the large number of illegal immigrants living in Lithuania. This small state with a small population has become a haven for illegal migrants arriving from the CIS countries, as well as countries in Africa and the Middle East. In quantitative terms, their number does not exceed (according to Lithuanian government estimates) 90 thousand people, but for the small Lithuanian population this is a fairly high percentage (for comparison, in the United States today, also according to American authorities, there are more than 3.5 million illegal migrants) .

In connection with the introduction of new rules, the question arises of whether it is difficult for compatriots and their neighbors in the CIS to obtain a residence permit in Lithuania. Nothing has changed fundamentally with the introduction of stricter immigration rules for these categories of immigrants. There are no special priorities or benefits for them either. Long-term statistics show that refusals of Lithuanian residence permits to Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians do not exceed 4%. By the standards of the European Union, this is very little, since, for example, in France, foreigners are rejected in every fourth case.

This is what a residence permit card looks like in Lithuania

Migration policy of Lithuania for Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians

The number of labor migrants arriving in the country from the former CIS countries is steadily growing. Some of the decline rates are explained only by temporary quarantine bans. Until 2021, the influx of specialists in missing professions increased by 50-60% annually.

Young foreigners choose Lithuania to study. Here you can get higher education at the lowest cost for the European Union. Thus, the cost of annual education at Vilnius University will cost a student only 1.5 thousand €.

Business immigration to the Baltic republic is also gaining incredible popularity, since starting your own business allows you to obtain a residence permit in Lithuania and buy real estate. In addition, having a Lithuanian residence permit makes it easier to obtain a visa to visit Japan, England, the USA and Canada.

Migrants from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus choose the Baltic states to move to as the shortest route to Europe. Lithuanian legislation has a rather liberal approach to potential immigrants. And having received a Lithuanian residence permit card, you can stay in your home country, in Lithuania, in the territory of the Schengen zone countries - at your own discretion.

Registration procedure

The process of obtaining a residence permit may differ slightly depending on the reason for moving. However, the application can be submitted both in the territory of your country through the consulate, and in Lithuania. The new rules in 2020 do not exclude conducting an interview with the candidate, the need to fill out a questionnaire and go through the main stages. How can a Russian citizen obtain a residence permit in Lithuania? To do this, it is recommended to follow the instructions.

  1. Preparation of the required package of documents.
  2. Make an appointment in advance if necessary.
  3. Visit at the appointed time with a set of papers. It includes not only a statement in the established form. The full list is below.
  4. Passing the interview.
  5. Waiting for a decision to be made.

After completing all the steps, the interested person will be notified of the granting of a residence permit or refusal.

Preparation of documentation

The first stage of registration is always collecting the required papers. The package, in addition to the statement mentioned above, will include:

  • international passport;
  • photographs 3.5*4.5 cm;
  • document confirming no criminal record;
  • income certificate or other document confirming financial solvency;
  • medical insurance.

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Separate requirements are put forward for each of these documents. For example, the photo must be color, clear, without headgear and with the correct parameters.

Additional documents for different categories of immigrants

For each of the grounds for obtaining a residence permit, other documents will be required. They are necessary to prove the validity of any applicant's move.

Family reunification

Confirmation of family ties with a citizen of Lithuania or a person residing in the country on other legal grounds must be documented. Here you may need copies of your passport, birth certificate, marriage certificate, and so on.


Working in Lithuania opens up certain opportunities for Russians and Ukrainians. However, it is possible to obtain a residence permit on this basis only after providing evidence that the organization hires an employee from another state. An agreement, contract, invitation or other similar document is suitable.


Education in Lithuania is considered prestigious and promising, since upon completion a European-style diploma is issued. To obtain a residence permit you will need:

  • certificate of admission to the university;
  • letter of invitation to study at an educational institution.

Only if the listed papers are available and if they are properly executed, the procedure can be implemented.

Starting a business

To obtain a residence permit, you will need to provide proof of the existence of a registered legal entity. One of the main conditions was previously considered to be the provision of at least 3 jobs for citizens of the country. Since 2021, this rule is no longer in effect; now it is provided for the establishment of an agreed minimum wage fund in the organization. In addition, business immigration to Lithuania is possible only six months after the start of the business project.

Scientific activity

You will need a document on cooperation with a local or international organization carrying out activities in the field of culture, art or science. Only in this case is it possible to obtain a residence permit in the republic.

Obtaining refugee status

It is necessary to provide evidence that the person concerned is being persecuted in his home country. Often it is impossible to document the fact of persecution, since the move is carried out in a hurry and under extreme conditions. Political asylum in Lithuania in 2021 is granted after passing a special procedure, including an interview with the applicant.

Features of registration for minors and pensioners

There are exceptions to the presentation of documents from the main list. For persons under 14 years of age, a certificate of no criminal record will be required. Pensioners need to transfer funds from the Pension Fund to Lithuania, since according to the current rules, payment of the required amounts can only be carried out by the state of residence. To do this, you will need to contact local authorities with a set of additional papers confirming your work experience and guaranteeing the termination of payments in another country.

Is it possible to obtain status when buying a home in the country?

Purchasing real estate in Lithuania does not guarantee a residence permit. Yes, this practice exists in some countries. In this country, buying a house or apartment will provide an opportunity to easily obtain a multiple-entry visa, but will not become an absolute basis for issuing a residence permit.

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